Category: News

1 56 57 58 59 60 68 580 / 673 POSTS
Josef Záruba Wins a Mass Accident Stricken Race

Josef Záruba Wins a Mass Accident Stricken Race

Josef Záruba, after a tight duel with Richard Chlad Jr., won the first ESET Sprint at the Brno Circuit. The Friday time practice for ESET Sprint wa [...]
Battle for Champion Title in Twingo Cup Sharpens

Battle for Champion Title in Twingo Cup Sharpens

The Brno Circuit hosted the first race of the final racing weekend of the Cruze Cup and the Twingo Cup seasons. Another pole-position in Cruze Cup was [...]
Another Dominant Victory for Jáchym Galáš

Another Dominant Victory for Jáchym Galáš

The premium victories in Slovakia were positive for Jáchym Galáš. Thanks to them he opened the final racing weekend of the season held at the Brno Cir [...]
Record Number of Participants in Formula Race Marked by Duel Zeller vs. Šafář

Record Number of Participants in Formula Race Marked by Duel Zeller vs. Šafář

An excellent premiere start at the Brno Circuit was enacted by the domestic pilot Václav Šafář, for the first time in his career driving the formula 3 [...]
Calendar for 2019 is taking shape

Calendar for 2019 is taking shape

The ESET V4 Cup will be back in 2019 and there is already the first draft of the calendar available. And it does not feature many changes from the 201 [...]
Still a plenty to fight for in the Endurance series

Still a plenty to fight for in the Endurance series

Most of the traditional endurance categories have already been decided, but there is still an ongoing championship battle in the GTC cup cars category [...]
An Italian battle between Brajnik and Cola will be decided at Brno

An Italian battle between Brajnik and Cola will be decided at Brno

The final race of L21 Formula category is going to offer a championship battle between two Italian drivers Paolo Brajnik and Andrea Cola. Both have be [...]
Cruze Cup is decided, while there is still a three-way battle in Twingo Cup

Cruze Cup is decided, while there is still a three-way battle in Twingo Cup

The final round of ESET MMSR championship will see also the last races of the season for Cruze Cup and Twingo Cup. While the championship is already d [...]
Is Michal Makeš going to hold on to the lead?

Is Michal Makeš going to hold on to the lead?

The final round of ESET MMSR at Automotodrom Brno is going to offer some very attractive battles in Clio Cup category. This year's season might be dom [...]
The big finale is coming and there is still plenty to fight over

The big finale is coming and there is still plenty to fight over

On the second weekend of September, the ESET MMSR will have its final race of the season at Automotodrom Brno and a lot of drivers will be battling fo [...]
1 56 57 58 59 60 68 580 / 673 POSTS